Kiosks & Banners
Get the word, literally out-on-the-street about your downtown, nonprofit event or activity with advertising on downtown kiosks or banners. Applications for banners and kiosks are accepted year-round and are a fantastic way to reach thousands of downtown pedestrians and drivers.
Want to spread the word about your non-profit organization’s event? The Blocks Arts District, Salt Lake’s Cultural Core, manages the rental of four kiosks along Main Street. Each kiosk has six windows and is available to non-profit organizations, excluding those that are religious or political. If you are interested, you must submit materials, which are subject to approval by The Blocks Arts District, at least 30 days before the anticipated promotion schedule. Download the form below and submit your application; it's a great way to grab locals' attention.
Contact Kai Henriksen, kai@downtownslc.org, with any kiosk inquiries.
The Banner Program is a great way to advertise community events and activities within the downtown area. Street banners provide a way to create vibrancy as well as promote culture, community, and activity downtown.
Contact Kai Henriksen, kai@downtownslc.org, with any banner inquiries.
» Downtown Banner Map (Locations can be out of commission due to construction, light pole maintenance, etc.)
» Download the 6-ft Banner Specs